Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wool, in my words + wools

lauw : wool

The Illunse word for wool is lauw. Lauw is an uncommon last name. Lauw is a rare first name. In Dutch lauw means lukewarm, tepid, indifferent. Lauw is the name of places in France and Belgium.

This word is a mixture of the Old English word for wool which is wull, and the Latin word for wool which is lana (wool; fleece; soft hair) or lanitium.

This is a new word.

lauwa : wools

The Illunse word for wools is lauwa. Lauwa is a rare last name. Lauwa is the name of places in Indonesia.

Wools in Latin is lanae. Wools in Old English is wulla.

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