Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wax, in my words

werca : wax

The Illunse word for wax is werca. Werca (or Verca) was an Anglo-Saxon feminine first name.

This word is a mixture of the Old English word for wax which is weax, and the Latin word for wax which is cera (wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image/seal).

The traditional meaning of wax is beeswax. In Old English weaxcandel means wax candle. In Latin cereus means wax light, taper, candle.

Historically, tallow candles were a cheaper alternative to wax candles. Tallow is rendered beef or mutton fat, processed from suet. Nowadays paraffin wax from petroleum is common.

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