Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chair, in my words

sedol : chair

The Illunse word for chair (seat) is sedol. Sedol is an unusual last name. Sedol-gol is a city in North Korea.

This word is a mixture of the Latin word for chair which is sedes (a seat, bench, chair, throne; home, residence), and the Old English word for chair which is stól (a stool, chair, seat; the seat of one in authority).

Also there's the Latin word sella (seat, stool, chair; chair of magistrate / office / teacher) and the Old English word setl (that on which one sits, a settle, seat, place to sit).

I couldn't find Quneya or Sindarin words for chair, so I won't be able to post chair in J.R.R. Tolkien's words.

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