Friday, February 19, 2010

Mirror, in my words

specsune : mirror

The Illunse word for mirror is specsune.

This word is a mixture of the Latin word for mirror which is speculum (mirror, looking glass, reflector; copy, imitation), and the Old English word for mirror which is sunscín (mirror; similar word sunscíene means radiant, beautiful or splendid as the sun).

There's another Old English word for mirror, scéawere (spectator, an observer, one who examines into a matter; a spy; watchman; a mirror; a buffoon, actor). I didn't use this word to make my word because mirror is one of the later meanings. Although if in the future I make a word for an object used for scrying, such as reflecting pool of water used to magically observe distant events, I'll use this word.


Mariska said...

Kate, if you decide to use X in Illunse, does specsune become spexune?

illunse said...

I don't know about X. Latin uses it, I know, and some Old English words. But X makes words look sort of weird.